Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Spray Tanning Erections

Courage Under Fire

From the book "The skin of the bear, we and other animals" Margherita D'Amico, published by Mondadori, pp. 16 and 17:
"on animals are continually mystifies and is omitted. There are the usual politicians, the media increasingly rely on the role of stars in the variety. In the last measure, the attention to the weak makes it look good and please the voters susceptible.
In 2006, in the election campaign, a municipal councilor Capitoline reach them seized the animals in the circus Fantasy modest. Logico that some oasis or natural park would provide better location than the cages and the noise of the track pitches. But with only a reckless propaganda initiative, the reporters left the animals end up almost all the town's zoo, going to meet to disease and hardship, after it has spent days under the sun inside the carriages requirements. Some donkeys are instead placed in a health center dog, where a few weeks before similar horses were eaten by a pack of dogs. A couple of newcomers made the same fate ... "He
publicly thank Ms. D'Amico for having the courage of truth, in a context like that of animals, which acts as supreme hypocrisy, manipulation of reality for the benefit of personal interests and where the declared intention of protection takes the form of sterile platitudes and slogans stand, that is indeed the solution for the management of massive sedentary population of captive animals residing in our country.