Saturday, May 1, 2010

Zachery Tims Judy Nyguen

Association, a not! LOCATION

Being part of a group or dance by yourself?
Well, this is one of the dilemmas that sooner or later all interested in any or in various stages of life. At school, college, travel, work or leisure activities. It is here that animate the most interesting expressions of aggregation, because doing things with others is often rewarding, educational and constructive.
The same goes for photography.
meet, exchange views, meet other people with same interests is a way to expand their fields of view and try on a new challenge. Sometimes associations are serious, interested, rooted and productive. Ask questions and demand answers. One of these is certainly Refoto which I served for some years. There, the camera has become my passion finally mature and aware, my skills have expanded and diversified. The courses are professional (if you consider the cost structure and small), meetings with professional photographers are always interesting, always new and interesting challenges. But
Association rhymes with jail?
not dancing alone when you are in a group. You must be faithful to the unwritten rules but shared. There are no half measures or you're out or you're inside. Too bad. Too bad for friends, for meetings, projects completed and everything else that you could still do together.
So no half measures and no discount, I'm out.
You know, we live to change and things change for a living. The passion is nurtured with other challenges, higher and more distant. Having a support
always refreshes the spirits during the years of the undecided and sharing at all costs, to dance alone is a paradox. But the luxuries
fat and weaken the mind and comfort is the enemy of great trips ...
The memories remain, but strong, forward, alone, a waltz, a twisted ankle, ah, and yet another step , this time more determined, resolute, and street dancing while the music keeps playing ...

© 2010 Elena Fantini


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