Sunday, September 5, 2010

Read Penthouse Letters Free

Carpe Diem

The Selfarea is one of the best initiatives of recent years about the comics convention. Established in Luccacomics ( & Games ) three years ago, on a proposal and management of the comic Andrea Pazienza Center provides a space available of self-produced at a lower price than that of Exhibitors normal, all within an exhibition of great interest as Lucca.

on this experience sooner or later I'll write a piece, but when I focus on a detail of the last edition (November 2009). Is organized each year in the selfarea initiative that would involve groups present. This time it was asked to compose a cartoon of a story in continued (more or less, then everyone invents his own and violates the rules, as taught Moebius). Purpose had been made a space in the warehouse, where a tripod and white cards, along with black acrylic paint and brushes, waiting to be used by young artists.

In three days of the fair I was always in a hurry. At the booth of Anjce we'd change with Miriam when possible, and every so often one of the boys of the staff asked us if we wanted to make a design well us, and whenever I have time maybe the stand was already occupied, where at other times the time I was missing altogether.

And then comes Sunday night. People are starting to sbaraccare, they make a decision, gather the autoproductions and come off the posters, and there's a big pit of people and boxes. And when I stop by to look at the drawings, and I begin to think it is a shame not to be able to join. The drawings attached to the wall are really beautiful, different from each other, a thousand different styles, from abstract to photo, from the funny to the Cubist, a feast for the eyes

But ...

But now the stand is empty. Yes, there is a large pit, but if you like ... yes, but then I am bringing that idea? It is, I decide to take those few minutes to make the design promised. "More and sought to continue ..." I suggest a young staff, apparently satisfied that in the end I also participate.

In seconds you do come to mind? In this case, a simple extrapolation "comic story - the beginning - the progress - the final." Here, I write the end. And do it quickly (I have a pencil to sketch, I will manage). The brush is medium, but is saturated with color until the middle of the neck, no one should have thought to clean it after use, or simply has been placed inside the jar of water (half a plastic bottle cut in half) for too long. Benvenuto Cellini managed to make it look like a titanic merger of the statue of Perseus in fundamental text Life ( essential "for those who studied art history, of course), I do not I'll try not to describe those 10 minutes, with everyone you pass by carrying something.

And then in the end it was fun. And my idea to end it was not bad.

The picture I did in the opening few minutes after the drawing, which is still on the stand, just before they were to remove everything, and being able to aprofittare a rare moment when there was no crowd. The top one is the last, my, of course, the last one.

is one of the reasons why designers sometimes start a blog: to tell similar stories and show these moments, which otherwise would be lost .

Since then, every so often happens to me, especially the mind expect a light to change or queuing at the post office (or when someone tries to convince me with his skillful dialectic gestalt is better than mine), well in similar cases happens that my mind climbs in elliptical virtuosity and colorful abstractions, and suddenly decides to pull the fundamental questions. And suddenly you get the urge to find answers to questions like "Why do we do?", "What happened to have made the designs made in selfarea?" or "What the hell I put as the head of the blog?".

Then the light turns green, here comes your turn to row in the mail and the phone rings scassamaroni persuader, and your cycles to resume their normal thought pattern analog and relaxing.

And when you find the header for the blog, and think that after all is not so important to know why you do what you do, you still have a question that sought to answer: what have made the designs of selfarea? Someone will make a publication ? Someone has photographed and put on-line ? Some visitors to the selfarea paused to watch?

Colorful abstractions and elliptical virtuosity, precisely ...


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