Monday, February 28, 2011

What Happens If You Forget To File For One Week

Ecomuseum reeds

Ecomuseum began his research and recovery in 1985 with the primary purpose of saving and documenting a of skills and values \u200b\u200brelated to the life lived between land and the valley. Special attention goes to the old processing techniques of marsh grass, developed from the fourteenth century until the seventies, in the small community of Villanova Bagnacavallo.
The research work, carried out by the research group of the Cultural Civilization of marsh grass, highlights the need not to disperse a variety of techniques of extreme value, generational wealth, dying, brings with self
specific art, you could say only, and to weave through the valley of grass, with bare hands or with the aid of rudimentary tools. The center retrieves joints, weaves, textures, weaves, twists, spinning, made with natural vegetation of the wetlands, that is to use herbs and woods that grew into the surrounding environment.
Last bastion of Europe as regards the arts manual processing of marsh grass, the center was added as a supplement for teaching environmental education projects and in national tours on inland waters, especially hiking in the Park Po Delta
The Museum is divided into four exhibition areas and a laboratory working. The sections are divided by sector and production cycles:
  • Section cane
  • Section of sedge and wood nostrano
  • Chamber of cattail and bulrush
  • Section reclamation and transport
  • Murals (Environmental Reconstruction)
Taken from http : / /


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